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VITRO Inc. and HGC partner to enhance Data Center connectivity in the Philippines

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HGC環電榮獲第二屆Antonio Meucci Global Telco Awards 2024


Light streaks with bokeh effect background Light streaks with bokeh effect background


家居客戶解鎖10G光纖寬頻服務 企業客戶優先享受25G極速寬頻服務
HGC Singapore expansion banner web HGC Singapore expansion banner mobile

Strategic expansion to extend ICT capabilities in Asia

Abour Hgc Banner 1 Abour Hgc Banner 1 Mobile

Embrace technology. Enjoy communication. Enrich your world.

Hgc Deployed Lte Enabled Terrestrial Trunked Radio System Hybrid Solution To Hongkong International Terminals Hgc Deployed Lte Enabled Terrestrial Trunked Radio System Hybrid Solution To Hongkong International Terminals

HGC deployed LTE-enabled Terrestrial Trunked Radio System hybrid solution to Hongkong International Terminals

Our Business

4Gateway Hgcconsumer

Consumer Broadband

Consumer Broadband

HGC Broadband provides Voice, Home Broadband, Entertainment and a wide range of value-added service which have been designed to fit for Hong Kong residential customer needs.
4Gateway Hgchkbusiness

Hong Kong Business

Hong Kong Business

HGC offers one-stop ICT solutions to local companies of different scale, satisfying their dynamic needs.
4Gateway Hgcinternational Business

International Business

International Business

HGC provide the latest global ICT solution for enterprises, OTT, under the digitalisation trend and fast-growing market development.
Latest Highlights
HGC Go ahead weve got your back Campaign
"Go ahead, 有我在" 計劃
Macroview Partner Awards Artwork s
HGC’s role in delivering 5G service to Hong Kong users
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灣區啟航 智領未來 您的一站式灣區數字化轉型夥伴
HGC UA Finance banner s